
I'm a big fan of autonomy and sovereignty, that's for sure! However, that particular topic may be outside the scope of "Ruminating on Remedies."

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I would love to hear more about managing menopause/perimenopause. I feel like many address hot flashes/night sweats. I would love to hear more suggestions for managing inflammation and weight gain.

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I like the idea of deeper dives on particular remedies, giving a broader appreciation for the many ways a single remedy could be used. Do also like the condition specific thoughts. Thanks!

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I'd like to read more about body autonomy and sovereignty. Do we really think it's smart to "obey" when we are all adults, not children anymore? I think it's very dangerous. If we don't have body autonomy, then what do we have and what is the logic behind offering your body to someone outside yourself willingly? Sure we know those with ill intent can cause grave harm but to just hand our body autonomy or our sovereignty over willingly seems counter productive. I think if we read more about that, it would change our fundamental belief systems, which is really where the essence resides.

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